2018 – A Year in Review
reBOOT Canada has lots to be grateful for in 2018 Starting with crack teams in Toronto, Peterborough and Mississauga – and thanks also to record donor generosity – we received and diverted over 12,000 unique items. From desktops, laptops, monitors and peripherals, we took thousands of kilograms of unwanted electronics and either found someone to want them or made sure they were recycled responsibly. Thank you Brent at our Brick Works offices for overseeing the process and making sure it’s all accounted for. You can connect directly with our donations team at
pickup@rebootcanada.ca. Thank you also to
TechReset for the logistical support, big or small, without which we couldn’t have the reach across the province that we do. On the solutions side, we had a great year of growth helping small businesses and not for profits save money on enterprise IT and focus on delivering their programs, services and growing themselves. Thanks to Lars’ steady hand at the IT Solutions steering wheel, with vital support from Krijn, Scott, Brian and Simon. You can learn more about our solutions
here. And we’re very thankful for the opportunity to help communities across the province in collaboration with great organizations like Miziwe Biik, the Region of Peel, City of Toronto, City of Peterborough, Kawartha Pine Ridge School Board, First Nations Inuit Youth Employment (Indigenous Services Canada), United Way of Greater Toronto, Alterna Credit Union and many more. With their help, we’ve handled over 1,300 individual requests for computers, provided free hi speed to over 100,000 users in low income communities and provided over 3,500 hours of paid training through our indigenous youth internship program. 2018 also saw the launch of an innovative partnership with Ingram Micro, a global leader in IT distribution, and we’re thankful for the opportunity to explore the opportunities it will bring. So at this time of giving – we offer our sincere thanks to you, our clients, donors, volunteers, special advisors, board members and everyone involved in making reBOOT Canada better and more impactful, every year. Sincere best wishes for a safe and fun holiday!